
The results of many years of research on the effectiveness of the integrated use of crop protection means and fertilizers with the application of various tillage systems for cultivation of winter wheat of Moskovskaya variety 39 are presented. The studies were conducted in the European nonchernozem soil of Moscow Region on sod-podzolic medium loamy medium-cultivated soil. It was shown that weeds are mainly represented by broadleaved species with an amount of 270 to 370 pcs/ m2. Among pests, cereal aphids and capsid bugs dominate. Among diseases, Helminthosporium and Fusarium root rot (up to 30–40%) and aerogenic infections – brown leaf rust (15-28%) and leaf spot (17-25%) were noted. Studies showed high individual effectiveness in eliminating harmful causes by using appropriate means of protection – seed disinfectants, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. Weed infestation decreased by 78-85%, root rot development – by 78-81, leaf diseases – by 91-98, pests – by 78-100%. At the same time, the weak effectiveness of the Alto-super fungicide against Septoria and Karate insecticide against wheat thrips was noted. The effect of protective measures on the stored crop was as follows: seed disinfectants – 18%, insecticides – 21, herbicides – 39, fungicides – 22%. The highest economic effect was obtained with the integrated use of plant protection products – up to 1.07 t / ha of grain. At the same time, the quality of grain, content of protein and gluten, and grain class increased. The economic effi ciency of the integrated protection system ranged from 4.7 to 8.1 roubles for each rouble spent. The best result in terms of economic effi ciency was obtained with moldboard tillage and the use of a full dose of NPK90 mineral fertilizers and a full integrated protection scheme.


  • For citation: Spiridonov Yu.Ya., Kalimullin A.T., Protasova L.D., Abubikerov V.A., Spiridonova I.Yu

  • Conflict of interest The authors declare no conflict of interest

  • The studies were conducted in the European nonchernozem soil of Moscow Region on sod-podzolic medium loamy medium-cultivated soil

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Спиридонов Ю.Я., Калимуллин А.Т., Протасова Л.Д., Абубикеров В.А., Спиридонова И.Ю. Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт фитопатологии Московская область, р.п. Интегрированная защита озимой пшеницы от комплекса вредных объектов в условиях Европейского Нечерноземья РФ // Сибирский вестник сельскохозяйственной науки. For citation: Spiridonov Yu.Ya., Kalimullin A.T., Protasova L.D., Abubikerov V.A., Spiridonova I.Yu. Integrirovannaya zashchita ozimoi pshenitsy ot kompleksa vrednykh ob”ektov v usloviyakh Evropeiskogo Nechernozem’ya RF [Integrated protection of winter wheat from a complex of harmful causes in European non-chernozem region of the RF]. Представлены результаты многолетних опытов по изучению эффективности комплексного применения средств защиты растений, удобрений на фоне различных обработок почвы при возделывании озимой пшеницы сорта Московская 39. The results of many years of research on the effectiveness of the integrated use of crop protection means and fertilizers with the application of various tillage systems for cultivation of winter wheat of Moskovskaya variety 39 are presented. Weed infestation decreased by 78-85%, root rot development – by 78-81, leaf

Plant protection
Защита растений
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