
White fly and other sucking insect pests are considered the minor pests of sugarcane in Punjab-Pakistan. But in the last few years, the white fly of sugarcane has become a major trouble for the sugarcane growers to handle and for sugar industries to extract proper sugar. A field trial was conducted at the seed farm of Kashmir Sugar Mills (Lat. 30.9370, Long. 72.1105). Treatments were comprised of crysopera eggs cards and insecticide(s). The insecticide(s) was sprayed with tractor mounted Jecto sprayer at the grand growth stage of autumn planted sugarcane (8th-month-old crop). Pre and post-spray population counts of whitefly were recorded. The results were compared with the control with a curved polar bar chart in R using the 'ggplot2' package. It was observed that drenching of chlorantraniloprole @ 250 ml/ha made an excellent control (~88%) and 24.2% over the control treatment. The 2nd most efficient control (86%) (22.7% over control) was recorded in a blend of pyriproxyfen + bifenthrin @ 1250 ml + 1000 ml/ha, respectively than the individual use of said insecticide (61% and 69%, respectively). Very hot and dry weather in the month of May in plains of Punjab Province-Pakistan did not support the Lab. reared crysoperla eggs cards @ 15000/ha in the field. But a large number of natural bio control agents worked well and surpassed some treatments in % mortality of whitefly

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