
Now a day’s Cryptography is most widely used technique for providing security. Classical Cryptography and Quantum Cryptography are two techniques that are widely used. Digital signatures provides best authentication in Classical cryptography. Quantum cryptography provides photons and polarization (these are quantum mechanical properties) for best security. By combining both, we can provide best authentication and security and also number of communication rounds can be reduced. Passive attacks cannot be solved by classical cryptography and large number of rounds of communication is another major problem. Eaves dropping can be eliminated with quantum channel and reduce the number of rounds for communication. But in quantum cryptography digital signatures are difficult to use, and it has distance limitation. This paper presents security and authentication by using Three Party Authentication Scheme i.e., three parties are involved. Implicit User Authentication and Explicit Mutual Authentications are used previously for providing authentication. In this paper digital signatures add to explicit mutual authentication to show new combination. This paper has the objective to solve authentication problem and also provide solutions to attacks such as man-in-the middle attacks, eaves dropping, and replay attacks.

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