This report presents the final design (CED-2) for three additional mixed-spectra configurations for plutonium Thermal/Epithermal eXperiments (TEX) to target the intermediate energy region (IER-553). The baseline cases of IER-184 (PU-MET-MIXED-002 [2]) spanned the entire fission energy spectrum. Case 3, which had a median fission energy (MFE) of approximately 6E-5 MeV and had a fission fraction of about 42% in the intermediate energy range, resulted in a $k_{eff}$ overestimation of 1.1%. Compared to 749 previous ICSBEP plutonium benchmarks, the baseline cases accurately predicted the experiments in the thermal and fast regions where the majority of benchmarks inhabit. The benchmarks in the intermediate energy region to date are sparse and overestimate $k_{eff}$ with an average C/E between 1.02 and 1.03. The additional proposed configurations span the whole of the intermediate energy region. The experimental design utilizes the plutonium/aluminum metal alloy Zero Power Physics Reactor (ZPPR) Plutonium-Aluminum No-Nickel (PANN) plates with varying polyethylene moderator thicknesses to span the intermediate fission energy region. Each of the cases have varying fractions of thermal, intermediate, and fast fissions. The designs were chosen to maximize the intermediate energy fraction. The experiment will take place on the universal critical assembly machine, Planet. The layers will be split as equally as possible between the lower platen and the upper stationary platform of Planet. The upper half of the experimental configuration will also have an upper reflector of polyethylene of specified thicknesses to achieve criticality when the lower platen is raised fully. The previous IER-184 configurations, specifically Case 3, were used to determine the configurations for the additional experiments and neutronics calculations were used to fine-tune the configurations to ensure criticality. The quadrature sum uncertainty in Δ$k_{eff}$ for Case 3 in PU-MET-MIXED-002 was found to be 0.00219. Section 3.8 gives a detailed description of the uncertainties calculated. The additional configurations, which are based directly on Case 3, are expected to have similar uncertainties. However, it is possible to reduce the overall uncertainty of Δ$k_{eff}$ for the additional configurations using the knowledge obtained from the calculations in the benchmark.
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