
AbstractIn this paper we study various aspects of the double ramification (DR) hierarchy, introduced by the 1st author, and its quantization. We extend the notion of tau-symmetry to quantum integrable hierarchies and prove that the quantum DR hierarchy enjoys this property. We determine explicitly the genus $1$ quantum correction and, as an application, compute completely the quantization of the $3$- and $4$-KdV hierarchies (the DR hierarchies for Witten’s $3$- and $4$-spin theories). We then focus on the recursion relation satisfied by the DR Hamiltonian densities and, abstracting from its geometric origin, we use it to characterize and construct a new family of quantum and classical integrable systems that we call of DR type, as they satisfy all of the main properties of the DR hierarchy. In the 2nd part, we obtain new insight towards the Miura equivalence conjecture between the DR and Dubrovin-Zhang (DZ) hierarchies, via a geometric interpretation of the correlators forming the DR tau-function. We then show that the candidate Miura transformation between the DR and DZ hierarchies (which we uniquely identified in our previous paper) indeed turns the DZ Poisson structure into the standard form. Eventually, we focus on integrable hierarchies associated with rank-$1$ cohomological field theories and their deformations, and we prove the DR/DZ equivalence conjecture up to genus $5$ in this context.

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