
The motivation of the staff of modern enterprises has changed, and the method of “whip and gingerbread” demotivates employees rather than motivates them. Modern enterprises should use more methods of intangible motivation, which affects the loyalty and involvement of employees, creates in them the sense of security and care on the part of enterprise management. Improving the efficiency of personnel management depends on systematic approach to the application of intangible motivation of employees, the formation of motivational programs for middle management. For this purpose the practitioners advise to pay more attention to the motivation of enterprise managers and use such methods as remote work, extra time off, rapid career growth, tuition fees, opportunities for self-realization. Remote work makes it possible to preserve health and life of employees, encourages them to self-organization, self-control and self-motivation, additional vacations or holidays give employees the opportunity to relax and gain strength, which motivates them to create new ideas. Opportunity for self-realization, pay for training and rapid career growth motivates employees with high potential who can become leaders in the future, continuously learn and improve their competence. The investigation highlights the most common methods of intangible motivation of personnel used in modern enterprises, in particular: public recognition of merit, career planning, delegation of managerial powers, increasing personal responsibility, autonomy in solving tasks, employer brand, improving comfort in the workplace, organization of competitions for the title of the best employee, etc. The recommendations of scientists on the organization of intangible motivation, motivational measures of moral, psychological, organizational and social motivation are given. Measures of moral motivation include praise and recognition; psychological motivation – building the system of values and individual approach to each employee, organizational motivation – improving working conditions, organizing ergonomic space, providing flexible work schedule; social motivation – training of employees, participation in the decision-making process. Analysis of the motivational model of the XXI century, based on the innate human psychological needs of autonomy, purpose and skill, the satisfaction of which results in greater achievements of employees. It is shown that the methods of intangible motivation have positive effect on achieving better results in employees, team building and development, reduce staff turnover, improve product quality (goods, works, services) and increase the competitiveness of the enterprise.

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