
The purpose of this study is to compensate for the intangible variables of the human resources of MSME actors in Bandung City, related to Employee Engagement and Attitude at the time of the COVID-19. Therefore, the intact condition of the two related variables is important for stakeholders such as the government and other related parties to understand and serve as a basis for policy and decision making, especially when the economy is exposed to COVID-19. The research method used is descriptive, verification and comparative. Data were tested using the validity test, reliability test, classical assumptions and data normality, and to test the level of contribution between variables and variable dimensions used correlation and termination tests. The data were obtained from the MSME economic actors in the city of Bandung total 45 samples. The city of Bandung was chosen as a place of research because the city of Bandung is known as a model city, culinary, education, creative industries as well as the city of culture and government of West Java. The results showed that the contribution, enthusiasm, pride of business people towards MSMEs was not supportive, lost trust and small. Only MSME players have employee engagement in the form of willingness. Attitudes or attitudes in the form of motives, traits and self-concepts are still strong for every MSME actor in Bandung City, and this condition is in line with the willingness dimension of employee engagement. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the employee engagement of MSME actors in the city of Bandung is currently not good or has decreased, while the attitude at is still good.

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