
As a basis for studying peculiarities of the instrumental case with a comparative meaning usage in texts of philosophical treatises by H. Skovoroda theoretical works of O. Potebnіа and Ye. Tymchenko were taken, where the essence of comparison with instrumental case was considered, and the views of other linguists were also taken into account. The object and the subject symbolism in constructions is studied, find out the general philosophical background of the authorʼs works and the allegorical nature of his speech. Difference in interpretation of cultural symbols and universals and their reading by the writer is indicated. The method of ethnolinguistic text analysis is applied to generalize the symbolic content of constructions with the instrumental comparative case. This approach made it possible to determine that comparative constructions with the instrumental case in H. Skovoroda texts are not saturated with traditional folk poetic images, they are striking in their peculiarity of interpretation the Bible world and surrounding reality. The author often uses light and visual metaphor, mainly on its basis he builds his own concept of images-ideas, so the same plots acquire a new sound in the context of his works. Instrumental case with comparative semantic helps to penetrate deeper into the narrator inner world, to understand his scale of assessment of environmental phenomena and a person in it, causes a wide range of extraordinary associations and makes it possible to understand on which counterpoints cultural semantics most intensively interacts with linguistic.

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