
Nowadays, the curricular development is situated in the area of significant changes of higher education, bearing the mark of society demand and profession development on labour market. In this context, actions such as: change of higher education structure, development of quality assurance systems and mechanisms enabling the dimension of curricular flexibility related to the necessary professional competences represent arguments for the development of instructional design (ID) models.Based on the models in field literature where ID is science, philosophy or technology and from ID concept as “the systematic and reflective process of translating principles of learning and instruction into plans and products for instructional materials, activities, information resources and evaluation.”(Smith & Ragan, 2005), the paper aims to develop a model for administrative sciences. Respecting ID principles, the three stages: analysis, strategy development and evaluation and turning into consideration the complex character of civil servants training and interdisciplinary nature of administrative sciences, we shall accomplish course design specification for the collection of administrative sciences in civil servants training. The model will reveal the specificity of training in administrative sciences, referring to the convergence of learning objectives, evaluation and learning outcomes, correlated with the training needs in the field. Therefore, the working hypothesis is based on the relationship between instructional events, learning process and learning outcomes.The paper valorises the authors’ expertise acquired in joint research programmes, developed together with the National Institute of Multimedia Education, Tokyo, Japan.

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