
Topicality. In the twentieth century, there was an active discussion about the structure of the innovation process as a single period of scientific knowledge - from the promotion of ideas and hypotheses to the introduction of products to market. The beginning of the discussion of this issue was the work of S. Klein and N. Rosenberg "The positive sum strategy: Harnessing technology for economic grown". They described and criticized the classical linear model of innovation, based on the idea that the development of science is based on basic research, which then finds its continuation in applied research. Directive 2014/89 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the creation of a framework for the planning of maritime spaces states: "Maritime spatial planning is intended to organize the management of activities in marine and ocean areas and the sustainable use of marine and coastal resources . The European Parliament and the Council of the EU adopted the document on 23 July 2014. It officially entered into force on 18 September 2014. The Directive allows each EU country to plan its own maritime activities, but the planning process - nationally, regionally or locally - is compatible with EU law. implementation and minimum general requirements. Realization of the purpose of work causes the following tasks of research: to define the basic categories and concepts of "blue economy" and features of the economic mechanism of ecological regulation as preconditions of sustainable development; to develop ways to implement the integrated maritime policy of the European Union; to determine the impact of the approaches of the integrated maritime policy of the European Union on the institutional transformation of the maritime economic complex of Ukraine; to offer institutional-cognitive and nonlinear scientific principles of innovative "SMART" -specialization of the maritime complex; to propose approaches to the formation of institutional foundations for the implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning for Ukraine as a leading innovation in marine nature management. Aim and tasks. The purpose of this work is to analyze the institutional support of innovative practices in the management of greening of the maritime sector of Ukraine, based on the implementation of the environmental component of nonlinear approaches to SMART-specialization in the structure of Maritime Spatial Planning. Research results. After analyzing the current processes, the methodology of maritime spatial planning (MSP) focuses on reproducing a comprehensive picture of the spatial impact of the synergy of maritime sectors. In the future, the methodology focuses on updating the data over the medium term and taking into account possible future trends in the development of sectors of the maritime economy, including changes in the industrial structure and the growth of technological progress. MSP is focused not only on minimizing current stakeholder conflicts, but also on preventing such conflicts in the future. The development of a "maritime vision" or "desired scenario" should play a role in shaping the overall understanding of the future of maritime space, which should be supported by maritime spatial plans. On this basis, the development of a "vision" creates a common goal, agreed by all stakeholders, on what to strive for in the maritime spatial plan. MSP makes extensive use of methods based on marine data: analytical, quantitative, qualitative and spatial. In the initial stages of the MSP process, more creative, nonlinear creative techniques are used. In some cases, the vision development process itself has proved more important than the final vision document or action plan, serving as a mechanism for involving stakeholders in cooperation, as well as facilitating dialogue on a common future. The use of nonlinear approaches helps to focus MSP, as well as provide a basis for the purposes of SMART specialization of maritime space. Conclusion. The paper shows that the Itzkowitz-Leidesdorf model formalizes the dynamic shifts in the structure of interactions of the three sectors (triple helix) that occur as a result of innovation and complexity of socio-economic systems and is a convenient tool for analyzing the institutional organization and specifics of social interactions. which innovation ecosystems and the innovation economy as a whole. Thus, the genetic connection of "quadro", "quinto-helix" method and SMART specialization is substantiated in the work. . The paper proves that overcoming the uncertainty of management factors due to cognitive mechanisms of interaction within the quinto - helix is the leading mechanism of innovative management of greening of the economy and sea spatial flooding in particular.


  • Реалізація мети роботи обумовлює наступні завдання дослідження: визначити основні категорії та поняття «блакитної економіки» та особливості економічного механізму екологічного регулювання, як передумови стійкого розвитку; розробити шляхи імплементації інтегрованої морської політики Європейського Союзу; визначити вплив підходів інтегрованої морської політики Європейського Союзу на інституційну трансформацію морегосподарского комплексу України; запропонувати інституційно- когнітивні та нелінійні наукові засади інноваційної «СМАРТ»-спеціалізації морегосподарского комплексу; запропонувати підходи до формування інституційних засад імплементації Морського просторового планування для України, як провідної інновації морського природокористування

  • Розробка «морського бачення» або «бажаного сценарію», має зіграти певну роль у формуванні загального розуміння майбутнього морського простору, яку повинні підтримувати морські просторові плани

  • The purpose of this work is to analyze the institutional support of innovative practices in the management of greening of the maritime sector of Ukraine, based on the implementation of the environmental component of nonlinear approaches to SMART-specialization in the structure of Maritime Spatial Planning

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МПП зорієнтовано не лише на зведення до мінімуму поточних конфліктів стейкхолдерів, а й запобігання таким конфліктам у майбутньому. Застосування нелінійних підходів допомагає сфокусувати МПП, а також забезпечити основу для цілей СМАРТ-спеціалізації морського простору. В роботі обґрунтований генетичний зв’язок «квадро», «квінто- хелікс» методу та СМАРТ спеціалізації. Realization of the purpose of work causes the following tasks of research: to define the basic categories and concepts of "blue economy" and features of the economic mechanism of ecological regulation as preconditions of sustainable development; to develop ways to implement the integrated maritime policy of the European Union; to determine the impact of the approaches of the integrated maritime policy of the European Union on the institutional transformation of the maritime economic complex of Ukraine; to offer institutional-cognitive and nonlinear scientific principles of innovative "SMART" -specialization of the maritime complex; to propose approaches to the formation of institutional foundations for the implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning for Ukraine as a leading innovation in marine nature management. The purpose of this work is to analyze the institutional support of innovative practices in the management of greening of the maritime sector of Ukraine, based on the implementation of the environmental component of nonlinear approaches to SMART-specialization in the structure of Maritime Spatial Planning. The use of nonlinear approaches helps to focus MSP, as well as provide a basis for the purposes of SMART specialization of maritime space

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