
This article describes the institute of personal use in the legal system of socialist Czechoslovakia in the years 1948-1989. The article aims to point out the changes in the legislation of the institutes of substantive rights in the legal order of socialist Czechoslovakia in the years 1948-1989 with special attention to property rights. The most fundamental change was the breaking of the unified institution of ownership, and on the contrary, new diverse forms of use of agricultural land and housing gained importance, which significantly suppressed the broad meaning of ownership. Currently, the Civil Code (Act No. 40/1964 Coll.) does not contain the relevant provisions on personal use of land since amendment No. 501/1991 Coll. the right of personal use of the land, which arose before the amendment in question came into effect according to the legal regulations in force at that time, was changed to the ownership of natural persons. It meant that a citizen who, for personal use, established a building on land belonging to the state thereby became the owner of the land in question.

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