
The disturbance evolution in a Mach-4.8 zero-pressure-gradient flat-plate boundary-layer flow altered by discrete three-dimensional roughness elements is investigated including a laminar breakdown scenario. Direct numerical simulation (DNS), as well as the biglobal linear stability theory based on two-dimensional eigenfunctions in flow cross-sections, are applied. Roughness elements with high ratios of spanwise width to streamwise length are compared at varying height and skewing angles with respect to the oncoming flow. For an oblique roughness, the element’s height is varied between 27 % and 68 % of the undisturbed boundary-layer thickness. Compared to a symmetric roughness element an obliquely placed element generates a more pronounced low-speed streak in the roughness wake. The linear stability analysis reveals the occurrence of eigenmodes that can be associated with the first and second modes in the flat-plate flow. At identical roughness height, larger amplification is found for the eigenmodes of the oblique set-up. The results are confirmed by unsteady DNS showing very good agreement with stability theory; transient-growth behaviour in the near wake of the roughness is of minor importance. The comparison of the results gained for adiabatic wind-tunnel flow conditions with those for atmospheric-flight conditions with wall cooling reveals significant differences in the wake vortex system with subsequent impact on the stability properties of the flow. The hot-flow cases are less unstable at identical roughness Reynolds numbers. A variation of the wall cooling shows that the roughness-wake first- and second-mode behaviour is similar to that of the flat-plate flow: wall cooling stabilizes the first-mode and destabilizes the second-mode instabilities of the roughness wake.

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