
This article describes features of FIRST, an approach to introduce science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) concepts to students. One unique aspect of the FIRST experience is that the reward and recognition for achievements are not necessarily gained on the field of play—excellence in design, demonstrated team spirit, Gracious Professionalism, community outreach, and more are recognized with awards. The focus of organized FIRST programs is on pre-college students {LE Comment: Please check whether the introduction of a preposition is required.}. At the college level, there are no formal FIRST programs, except for FIRST-related scholarships. However, as shown in the longitudinal study, the impact of FIRST carries into postsecondary education. There are diverse types of FIRST-related organizations and models at the college level. The article also highlights that during the semester, a sequence of team building, mentoring, project management, fundraising, and FIRST robot design topics are given by faculty, senior FIRST mentors, and professional engineers.

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