
Genomic DNA is vastly longer than the space allotted to it in a cell. The molecule must fold with a level of organization that satisfies the imposed spatial constraints as well as allows for the processing of genetic information. Key players in this organization include the negative supercoiling of DNA, which facilitates the unwinding of the double-helical molecule, and the associations of DNA with proteins, which partition the DNA into isolated loops, or domains. In order to gain insight into the principles of genome organization and to visualize the folding of spatially constrained DNA, we have developed new computational methods to identify the preferred three-dimensional pathways of protein-mediated DNA loops and to characterize the topological properties of these structures. Here we focus on the levels of supercoiling and the spatial arrangements of DNA in model nucleoprotein systems with two topological domains. We construct these systems by anchoring DNA loops in opposing orientations on a common protein-DNA assembly, namely the Lac repressor protein with two bound DNA operators. The linked pieces of DNA form a covalently closed circle such that the protein attaches to two widely spaced sites along the DNA. We examine the effects of operator spacing, loop orientation, and long-range contacts on overall chain configuration and topology and discuss our findings in the context of classic experiments on the effects of supercoiling and operator spacing on Lac repressor-mediated looping and recent work on the role of proteins as barriers that divide genomes into independent topological domains.

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