
A two-semester multi-disciplinary Global Engineering Outreach (GEO) course was initiated in 2007 to provide an opportunity for junior and senior-level engineering and technology students to design and implement humanitarian-based engineering projects in developing communities. Recently, the course was integrated with a sociology course to enhance the educational opportunities between social scientists and engineers. During the GEO course, students work on small-scale projects that are selected in conjunction with members of the developing communities. Students regularly interact with community members during project development. Following the GEO course, students participate in a two-week implementation trip. Learning outcomes associated with the course are described and assessment results show that many aspects of the learning outcomes are being met but there is room for improvement. In addition, following years of experience, several insights have been identified to help improve the course, community engagement, and implementation trip. Finally, several key aspects that are noteworthy for involving students in designing and implementing projects in developing communities are described.

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