
Abstract The flexibility of decentralized loads and generation on the distribution grid level is important for the integration of fluctuating renewable energy sources into modern energy systems. Dynamic end-customer pricing for load and feed-in can be an effective method for influencing prosumer behavior in Smart Grids and thus helps to activate their flexibility. This paper presents field test results of a resilient Smart Grid concept using ripple control as an established, cheap and robust communication infrastructure. During the field test, prosumers received dynamic tariffs over the course of 22 weeks. Field test evaluation focuses on the implementation and analysis of complex thermo-electrical household appliances operation as well as the overall prosumer response to the dynamic tariffs and on the impact of this response on the electrical grid. Not all appliances could be operated following the dynamic incentives without compromising comfort. Electric storage heaters and a micro-CHP proved to be more suitable for the concept than a heat pump. The average energy consumption for all prosumers during low tariff times was 12 % higher than in the same hours during high tariff periods. The dynamic pricing improved the grid situation by lowering maximum line loads and voltage magnitudes compared to reference operation.

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