
This paper aims to provide insight on factors affecting the bulk shear strength parameters of clay, i.e., the cohesion and internal friction as well as the effects of memory of preconsolidation pressure. A unique Discrete Element Method (DEM) model is built on platy particles with customized particle interaction force model. The particle interaction force model considers non-contact forces (such as the long-range electrostatic repulsion, short-range van der Waals attraction) as well as the direct contact force. The long-range electrostatic forces are calibrated by measurement with Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). Parameters for direct particle contacts of the regular DEM contact model, such as the contact stiffness and the friction coefficient, are calibrated by use of experimental consolidation and direct shear testing data. Computational simulations are conducted on digital clay specimen subjected to virtual direct shear tests. The predicted experimental responses of the digital specimens are consistent with typically observed in experiments including the shear stress-shear strain relationship, volumetric contraction and dilation, shear band formation, etc. From the stress–strain curves, the soil strength parameters are obtained with common experimental criteria. The DEM simulation results show that higher preconsolidation pressure drives more particles to overcome non-contact force into direct contacts and consequently bonding by van der Waals force. Consequently, the bulk cohesion of clay increases with increasing preconsolidation pressure. The results show that bulk cohesion strength is mainly attributed to the attractive interparticle force as well as the interlocking of platy particle, while the bulk internal friction angle is affected by the particle friction coefficient and particle fabric. Overall, the simulation results indicate the experimentally observed macroscopic shear strength parameters c and φ are linked to the microscope characteristics of soil particles and their mutual interactions. The results offer insight on the microscopic properties of particles on the bulk macroscopic strength behaviors. Besides, this work demonstrates a new strategy for simulation-based prediction of bulk soil strength parameters, by incorporating microscale characterization of the interparticle interactions and particle fabric into the particle-based DEM model.

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