
Ultraviolet A light-emitting diode (UVA-LED)-activated chlorine effectively degraded micropollutants at different irradiation wavelengths. Quenching experiments indicated that OH, reactive chlorine species (RCS), and O3 were the main reactive species for degradation of atenolol (ATL). Bezafibrate and ibuprofen, were used for the first time to jointly quantify the concentrations of Cl2− and ClO. Notably, O3 contributed most to the degradation of ATL (38.9%), following by OH (30.2%) and RCS (27.6%) at pH 7.0 by the UVA-LED/chlorine at 385 nm. ATL degradation increased with the decrease of wavelengths, due to the higher quantum yields of chlorine. The kobs of ATL was positively correlated to the quantum yield of chlorine at the UVA wavelength band. Higher light intensity could enhance the photolysis of chlorine, leading to enhanced ATL degradation. The protonated chlorine is more conducive to the degradation of ATL. Specifically, the contributions of OH, O3, and RCS to ATL degradation changed from 40.9%, 6.53%, and 41.0% at pH 4.0 to 11.6%, 59.9%, and 26.6% at pH 9.0, respectively. Cl− had no significant influence on ATL degradation, mainly due to the synergistic effect of different reactive species. HCO3− and HA inhibited ATL degradation owing to the quenching effect for reactive species and/or UV filtering effect. The primary transformation pathway of ATL included hydroxylation, chlorination, and bond-cleavage pathways based on the structures of the eight identified transformation products. Seven chlorinated disinfection by-products decreased as wavelengths and pH increased. The above results show that UVA-LED/chlorine might be an efficient process for water treatment.

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