
In this paper, the authors present the results of a qualitative study about teaching practice in pre-service teacher education. The study is part of the international project INSHIP, which aims to develop educational innovation through a complementary partnership model for teaching practice. Using the SWOT matrix, the authors explored the views of university teachers, teacher mentors, students, and deputy head teachers about the teaching practice in two study programs at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education. The results showed that participants expressed both strengths (e.g., students gain experience and insight into the teaching process; schools meet potential future employees) and weaknesses (e.g., the gap between theory and practice) of the existing teaching practice. The participants’ perceptions of opportunities and threats were directed toward improving the quality of the organizational (e.g., duration and schedule) and systemic (e.g., mentor selection) elements of teaching practice, as well as its content and interpersonal relationships among different stakeholders involved in teaching practice. The findings suggest that greater involvement of schools is needed in systemic, organizational, and content issues pertaining to teaching practice. Collaborative partnerships between faculties and schools are crucial for the effective implementation of teaching practice.

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