
This research generates a product, namely the guiding book for the evaluation of micro teaching of student teachers at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of IAIN Palopo (State Islamic Institute) Indonesia, and the instruments used to evaluate the practice of micro teaching at the faculty. The following research questions were addressed: 1. How was the evaluation model of micro teaching practice at the Faculty of Education and Teaching Training of IAIN Palopo? 2. How were the constructed instruments used to evaluate the practice of micro teaching at the Faculty of Education and Teaching Training of IAIN Palopo? The aim of the study is to produce a guiding book for the evaluation of micro teaching of pre-service teachers at IAIN Palopo. The book comprises of procedures and guidelines for performing the evaluation of the practice of micro teaching, as well as ways to analyze the results of the evaluation. On the other hand, the instruments generated were employed to evaluate the basic competence of the student teachers’ teaching performance. This book is beneficial for the lecturers teaching micro teaching skills and other related subjects. It can be an ideal handbook for both the lecturers and preservice teachers in that the instruments created have been validated and tested; hence, it is valid and reliable. Also, teaching practice is one of the core topics that the students are supposed to undertake before they jump into the placement, or teaching practicum placed in some schools. Therefore, the provision of this book will significantly help lecturers, students, not to mention the education institution because it can be used either in the classroom or micro teaching lab at the Islamic institute.

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