
Abstract Cotton was planted 5 May on beds with 40-in. centers in plots three beds wide by 110 ft long. The experiment was designed and analyzed as a complete randomized block with three blocks and 10 treatments. Pesticides were applied with a self-propelled high clearance sprayer at 4 mph and a boom pressure of 30 lb/in2. Flat-fan nozzles ca. 12 in. above the plants were directed downward, spraying a broadcast pattern at a rate of 5.5 gaal per acre. Insecticides were applied on 6, and 27 July and 3 Aug. Three beat sheet samples (3 ft by 3 ft) were taken from one row per plot on 11 July and 1 and 8 Aug. Heliothis larval damage to squares was monitored on the same dates by examining 10 terminal squares per plot. Data for each variable were combined over the 3 dates and subjected to ANOV and means separation test (Bonferroni t tests).

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