
Abstract ‘Goldcup’ sweet corn was planted 16 Apr. in Myakka fine sand on the Univ. of Florida Agric. Res. and Educ. Cent, in Sanford. Counter 15G 2 lb (AI)/acre and Lasso 15G 3 lb (AI)/acre were incorporated in 15 in bands at planting time. Pydrin 2.4EC 0.1 lb (AI)/acre was applied to the entire experiment on 5 May to control a severe infestation of fall armyworm which threatened the entire experiment. A plot consisted of four 30 ft rows with 30 in row spacing and 12 in plant spacing, plots were separated by one unsprayed row. Treatments were replicated in five randomized complete blocks separated by 20 ft weed-free alleys. Sprays were applied with a CO2-pressurized sprayer mounted on a Hustler high-clearance tractor. Three nozzles (D2-25) were used per row; one overhead and one drop on each side. The delivery rate was 32 gal/acre with a boom pressure of about 40 lb/in2 and a speed of 3 mph. Applications were made on 13 and 19 May, and 3, 7, 10, and 14 June. Twenty ears were sampled from each plot; 10 from each of the two middle rows. The frequency of the tassels that showed evidence of The frequency of tip, side, and base damage to the ear, and silk bud damage was recorded on 1 June, clipping was recorded on 16 June.

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