Durante la disputa entre Portugal y la Santa Sede sobre los derechos del Patronato (Padroado real) en Asia, la Inquisición desempeñó un papel secundario en las alegaciones legales de la Corona. Sin embargo, en el contexto local de las controversias con los vicarios apostólicos enviados por la Congregación de Propaganda Fide, los sacerdotes y misioneros del Padroado portugués vieron en el Santo Oficio un instrumento para defender los derechos de la Corona, deteniendo y excomulgando en nombre del tribunal. En este artículo se analizan las expectativas de los agentes imperiales en cuanto a la posibilidad de que la Inquisición pudiera ser un instrumento para reclamar derechos jurisdiccionales sobre el territorio a la Corona y las contrariedades que experimentaron ante la gestión de los acontecimientos por parte de los inquisidores.
Abstract. – During the dispute between Portugal and the Holy See over the rights of Patronage (Padroado real) in Asia, the Inquisition played a secondary role in the legal allegations of the Crown
In the local context of the controversies with the apostolic vicars sent by the Congregation de Propaganda Fide, priests and missionaries of the Portuguese Padroado saw the Holy Office as an instrument to defend the rights of the Crown, arresting and excommunicating on behalf of the tribunal
Historians have analyzed the Goa Inquisition from a predominantly political point of view. They recognized that the tribunal played a significant role in maintaining a social order based on fidelity to the monarch and the faith. Despite their differing theoretical frameworks, scholars agree that Inquisition and Empire shared a common trajectory, where the action of the former was objectively reflected in the consolidation of the latter
Abstract. – During the dispute between Portugal and the Holy See over the rights of Patronage (Padroado real) in Asia, the Inquisition played a secondary role in the legal allegations of the Crown. In the local context of the controversies with the apostolic vicars sent by the Congregation de Propaganda Fide, priests and missionaries of the Portuguese Padroado saw the Holy Office as an instrument to defend the rights of the Crown, arresting and excommunicating on behalf of the tribunal. Historians have analyzed the Goa Inquisition from a predominantly political point of view They recognized that the tribunal played a significant role in maintaining a social order based on fidelity to the monarch and the faith. Despite their differing theoretical frameworks, scholars agree that Inquisition and Empire shared a common trajectory, where the action of the former was objectively reflected in the consolidation of the latter. Our aim is to evaluate three levels of the Inquisition’s participation in the controversy: firstly, the actions of the representatives of the inquisitorial or the bishops’ jurisdiction; secondly, the management of the events by the inquisitors in Goa; and the role of the Holy
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