
Increasing the legal awareness of citizens is a strategic goal of the modern state, in the implementation of which a huge role belongs to the system of education, especially higher education. The state takes measures aimed at increasing legal education (new curricula corresponding to established state standards, propaganda of legal knowledge in the media, etc.), but they do not give the proper result - the legal culture of a large number of students remains low, including who have completed their studies. Traditional theoretical training, aimed at obtaining students only theoretical legal knowledge, has shown its insufficient effectiveness. The modern labor market requires the system of higher education to form students practical competencies so that the graduate has the functionality of a trained specialist in the relevant field of activity. The authors of the article emphasize that legal education for non-core students should use other methods of teaching that are different from those used in the training of law students. The results of the research allow us to offer innovative technologies for teaching legal disciplines to students of non-core professions in order to increase their legal literacy. The study may be of interest to students and teachers of secondary specialized institutions and universities in the relevant fields.

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