
In this paper an attempt to present innovative and interactive learning tools has been made. The concepts such as "innovation", "innovative technology", "interactive learning tools" have been analyzed and defined. Thus, innovation is a novelty, and innovative pedagogical technology is the introduction into practice of original, innovative methods, techniques of pedagogical actions and tools. Under interactive learning tools we consider interactive whiteboards, a multimedia projector. It is spoken in detail about their advantages in the educational process. Much attention is given to novelty and innovative pedagogical technologies, innovative methods, techniques of pedagogical actions and tools. It is reported that forms of innovation can be divided into structural, educational, innovations in scientific and international activities, innovations in the system of professional development of teaching staff and in information support, innovations in employment of graduates. The article is of great help to interactive learning as a special form of organization of cognitive activity where comfortable learning conditions are created and each student feels his success and intellectual ability.

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