
Fundamental theory of rent is a methodological framework of a research of innovative social and environmental transformation of forest sector of Belarus. The purpose of the work was to highlight an importance of patterns of rent-based economies and the need for them to be accommodated in the economic relations of the forest sector, as well as to identify the operational applications of complex and differentiated knowledge of rents in an aspect of active and passive (monitoring, associative) behavioral patterns. Analysis of the institutional organization of production is presented; the features and directions of development of rental relations are considered. Components of the structural and logical model of single institutional socio-ecosystem space that are embedded in the rental relations of society; are justified by the forestry practice. The role of impact investment and a “feedback” loop of the forestry sector as an institutional platform for sustainable development is outlined. The content of the innovative-socio-ecological transformation of the forestry sector in Belarus characterized by posing questions on property creation covered by stable and manageable value of rent, requiring the linking of various interests and management decisions with the rental format of economic relations as a mechanism for the transition to sustainable development through resources and property, is revealed.

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