
The aim of the research. The aim of this article is to find basic principles of creative method for art center of Transcarpathia and innovative implementations in best practices of a cohort of artists who worked in the region. Based on the example of art individuals and analysis of their works an attempt is made to define and highlight their innovative principles. In this context peculiarities of interrelations between European artistic centers and creative environment of Transcarpathia in the first half of the XX century are considered. Methodology of investigation . Using means of comparative characteristic, and methods of comparison and historicism the levers of influence of artistic environment in the Central Europe on regional innovative implementations are considered. Scientific novelty . In the mentioned article separate constituents of processes which lead to interaction of Ukrainian, in particular Transcarpathian and Jewish artistic environment, are considered. Complicated processes of interaction between art centers and the regional art school are clarified. Basic fundamentals for forming innovative ideas in the context of Transcarpathian art development in the first half of XX century are grounded. Main landmarks for development of innovative implementations in the system of visual art of Transcarpathia, in particular painting, are demonstrated. Considering common artistic events in European area several meaningful artistic events are defined, which took place on the territory of the region and beyond its boundaries and which allowed to define main tracks in development of innovative solutions for several artists based on their creative methods. Conclusions . As the result of the investigation it is stated that in the first half of the XX century active exhibition movement takes place, including creative interchange which proved itself in the system of artistic and educational processes in common European area. Within the flow of such events visual art in the region went through the period of establishment and was finally formed. In this context a tendency of innovative implementations in painting of individual artists is traced. It should be mentioned that in this context separate internal and external features of ethnic romanticism can be seen. Its internal content was formed based on the background of regional traditions of folk art which became an internal reserve for creative innovations of numerous artists who worked in the region. Ethnic and cultural motives are specifically displayed in creative and methodical best practices and build up a base for works of the founders of Transcarpathian art school and first group of students. An important event which contributed to innovative solutions, was active plein-air, exhibition, artistic and educational processes. This tendency allowed to trace innovational solutions in the system of creative method for separate artists. It should be stated that a phenomenon of Transcarpathian painting school specifically stood out for its own stylistic and visual phenomenon of regional specificity of painting. Such system is built on traditions of folk culture in the region through the prism of innovative European tendencies of art.


  • Мета дослідження – в публікації ставиться мета виявити засадні принципи творчого методу мистецького осередку Закарпаття та новаторські впровадження в напрацюваннях когорти митців, що працювали в регіоні

  • As the result of the investigation it is stated that in the first half of the XX century active exhibition movement takes place, including creative interchange which proved itself in the system of artistic and educational processes in common European area

  • Within the flow of such events visual art in the region went through the period of establishment and was formed

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As the result of the investigation it is stated that in the first half of the XX century active exhibition movement takes place, including creative interchange which proved itself in the system of artistic and educational processes in common European area. Within the flow of such events visual art in the region went through the period of establishment and was formed In this context a tendency of innovative implementations in painting of individual artists is traced. It should be stated that a phenomenon of Transcarpathian painting school stood out for its own stylistic and visual phenomenon of regional specificity of painting Such system is built on traditions of folk culture in the region through the prism of innovative European tendencies of art. Новаторських рішень окремих мистецьких постатей на основі їх творчого методу. В цьому контексті спостерігається тенденція новітніх впроваджень у живописі окремих мистецьких постатей. Така тенденція дозволила простежити інноваційні рішення у системі творчого методу окремих майстрів. Що феномен закарпатської школи живопису характерно виокремився у власне стилістично-образне явище регіональної специфіки живопису. Зазначені художники та їх послідовники вносили новаторські ідеї в середовище мистецького простору Закарпаття, що й по цей день має вагомий потенціал для наступників, а відповідно спонукає до осмислення цілей і завдань мистецтва в контексті світоглядних й інноваційних процесів

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