
Scientific development and biological theories gave the artist the opportunity to find constructive design formulas that can be used. Also, the study of nature led to the emergence of biology that deals with the study of cells and viruses that provides the opportunity to study the formal structure of natural elements and extract their systems then translate them into structural design systems. This research deals with studying the external structural systems of Coronavirus to spread health awareness by producing multiple formulas that enrich the fields of design, From here, the research problem determined to what extent the possibility of extracting innovative design formulas in the fields of textile printing design and decorative design through the structural formal systems of the Coronavirus and using them in guiding children and spreading health awareness? The research aims to enrich the entrances of formation in the fields of textile printing and decorative design by paying attention to the formal structure of Coronavirus and producing multiple formulas and solutions that help guiding children and enriching the field of designing children's clothes. The importance of the research is to highlight the aesthetic values of the formal systems of Coronavirus, proposing design solutions for children's clothes aged from 10 to 15 years, through opening new horizons to reach creative solutions that enrich the fields of textile printing and decorative design to use them to guide children about Coronavirus through guiding sentences. The research assumes using formal structure of Coronavirus in extracting innovative design formulas and employing them to enrich children's clothes designs in both fields of textile printing and decorative design in which children can be guided from. The research has time limits that study the structural of Coronavirus in our time, and objective limits that focus on extracting design formulas through the formal structure of Coronavirus and using them in guiding children aged from 10 to 15 years and an experimental study to develop innovative design solutions for children's clothes. The research follows the descriptive, analytical and experimental approach by extracting design formulas from the structural and formal systems of Coronavirus and using them to guide children, also creating designs experiments and employment proposals for children's clothes to guide about Coronavirus. From the research results it is clear that the study of the formal systems of Coronavirus as an integrated holistic systems open a new field in the field of design in general and in the fields of textile printing design and decorative design in particular besides that the statistical study showed that there is a positive sign in favor of design and employment experiments, which indicates the validity of the hypotheses. Alternatives to endless design solutions that fulfill functional and aesthetic values in design and children's clothes. The research recommends paying attention to the structural and formal structure of Coronavirus as an integrated holistic systems based on the design formulas that enrich fields of design, opening new horizons and experimental visions that adopt the freedom of creativity in design by investing in the structural and formal systems of Coronavirus, and conducting more research related to Coronavirus that guide in publishing culture of health awareness among society and children in particular.

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