
The development of information technologies requires great attention of managers to the formation of information support and the promotion of goods and services to the market. The industry of tourism and hotel industry is developing in conditions of significant competition. Therefore, taking into account the relevance of the issue, the article considers innovative mechanisms for building effective management systems in tourism and the hotel and restaurant industry through the use of digital technologies. The purpose of the study is to develop ways of implementing innovative mechanisms for ensuring effective communications in the system of development of enterprises in the field of tourism and hotel and restaurant industry. a retrospective analysis of communication systems was carried out. The article is devoted to the definition of innovative technologies for the development of the communications system in different historical periods. The article defines modern trends in the innovative application of communication technologies and the latest communication systems. As a result of the study, the role of innovations in the formation of effective communications is substantiated, taking into account the specifics of the tourism and hotel and restaurant industry. The problems of remote communication under certain limitations have not yet been sufficiently studied. In particular, it is difficult to say about the consequences of such influences on the mental and psychological state of a person, because people are social beings and communication is a basic human need. Analyzing the processes of development of communication systems, it is possible to determine the cause-and-effect relationships of transformation, the influence of social processes on communications and communications on social processes. In the conditions of a competitive environment in the service sector, communication processes ensure high competitiveness of enterprises, provided they are effectively implemented. Therefore, it is appropriate to turn to the issue of finding innovative communication technologies in the system of development of tourism and hotel and restaurant enterprises. Keywords: digital technologies, innovative technologies, tourism, hotel and restaurant business.

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