
After analyzing the global causes of the radical changes in transport mobility that occurred earlier, the goal was set up to extract current trends that may affect the change in passenger mobility principles. The study revealed that theoretically the transport process can be divided into passive and active phases, and descriptions of the components of these processes were given. It was noted that the modern concept of the transport Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) is characterized by such elements as safety, comfort, time, information and cost. The description of the elements, including operational, transport and environmental safety, accessibility and quality of the transport process, was given. The guidelines to ensure new mobility were established, such as the electrification of transport, including the distribution of electric buses, the implementation of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things tools into the process of managing passenger transport by means of telematics systems, the advancement of unmanned vehicles. In terms of new mobility by using the concepts of abandoning to use personal transport in favor of public transport, developing a unified system for planning routes and purchase of tickets, the trend of redistributing loads on public transport in the context of new MaaS was described. This system implies the use of not only mass and main modes of transport, but also all the available vehicles for transporting passengers in the process of multimodal transportation. The idea of abandoning to use personal transport in favor of public transport was described, and the main tools for stimulating such a choice were stated. The signs of “smooth” and “seamless” transportation were described. In order to achieve this goal, the methods of collecting, analyzing and synthesizing information were employed. The outcome of work was understanding and characterizing of the format in which changes can occur within the framework of the new MaaS, which can contribute to illustrating a concept of passenger mobility in the foreseeable future.

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