
Abstract Since the 1980s, Dutch agricultural policy focuses on changing the agricultural sector into a more sustainable sector. In this article we explore an Agropark visioning initiative and four Agropark innovation projects to provide further understanding in how visions on the future influence innovation projects. In addition we question which innovation strategies actors adopt to ensure both high levels of ambition and high degrees of commitment towards the innovation Agropark. Our study shows that future visions can lead to high expectation within the policy and public domain which creates both opportunities and tensions for innovation projects. Furthermore, the analysis shows that each Agropark innovation project applied specific innovation strategies that suited their distinct context and network of actors. Furthermore, actors within the innovation projects contextualise and thereby re-design future visions into local visions. They thus create a more viable design but at the same time dilute initial ambitions. Recognising these tensions and opportunities in their different guises, and making them part of the learning process time and again, both at regime level and at niche level, assist actors that aspire to guide far-reaching innovations.

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