
The development of Kampoeng agro tourism is one of the prime reasons that falls into the category of underdeveloped areas, namely Pekon Rigis Jaya, Air Hitam District. However, the government’s innovation communication moved the village of Rigis Jaya, which had a local potential for red bean coffee. It also received the ADWI award in 2021 as a developing village with local potential. The innovation communication strategy was used to produce superior products that will add to or improve the community’s economy and require a commitment to structural elements in the village, including village communities. To innovate and be more creative so that they can become sustainable, and change becomes more adaptive. The research subject was the village of Rigis Jaya, West Lampung Regency with a qualitative approach. This study reveals that innovation communication is part of the development communication process that can lead to social change, as a form of community support for progress. The development of coffee villages is supported by the involvement of tourism-aware communities, namely Pokdarwis, bumpekon, and bumdes who have concerns and responsibilities, and play an active role as activators in supporting the creation of a conducive climate for the growth and development of tourism, the realization of sapta charm in enhancing the development area through tourism, and utilize it for the welfare of the surrounding community.
 Keywords: innovation communication, local potential, coffee village, West Lampung

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