
Biochemistry is a comprehensive discipline involving structure, function and interrelationships of life at the molecular level. Globally, more and more educational institutions are using bilingual teaching as a means to improve students' language ability and subject level. However, in the bilingual teaching of biochemistry, the integration of ideological and political education is often ignored, which leads to the lack of profound understanding of ideology and morality while learning academic knowledge. Therefore, the study of how to effectively integrate ideological and political education into the bilingual teaching of biochemistry has become an urgent problem to be solved. This paper aims to explore how to effectively integrate ideological and political education in bilingual teaching to improve students' academic and ideological education. The paper first analyzes the current situation and challenges of the bilingual biochemistry teaching, and then proposes a series of innovative practical strategies to strengthen the application of ideological and political education in the biochemistry teaching. Finally, the empirical study and case analysis demonstrate the effectiveness and utility of these strategies.

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