
The research project GInnoVET (’Design characteristics of innovative vocational education and training (VET) – Developing innovation at the intersection between VET and higher education (HE)’) investigates the design characteristics of innovative VET programmes, which are conceived and tested within the programme scheme InnoVET initiated by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The GInnoVET research group at the Chair of Business Education and the Chair of Engineering Education and Didactics of Technical Education at the University of Magdeburg works jointly with the research groups at Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training and the University of Paderborn on cross-cutting research issues InnoVET. GInnoVET focuses on the systematization of the different innovation approaches developed within InnoVET and analyses the potential effects of an overall implementation of these approaches within the German VET system, for example on the attractiveness of VET and on the professionalisation of VET teachers and in-company trainers.

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