
The nerve cells in the stomach in white rat show a stage of development so low that they cannot be divided into any of Dogiel's two types of cells. But, as they are multipolar, they are probably of sympathetic nature. It is impossible to distinguish histologically sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibres as well as long processes of the nerve cells in stomach wall especially at their peripheral parts, because they are in mutual anastomosis at many points. The termination of these vegetative fibres is represented by the terminalreticulum (Stohr). So the terminal-reticulum must be sympathetic and parasympathetic at the same time. The manner of its nerve supply of the tissue cells is effected mostly by contact. Sensory nerve fibres and their terminations were found also in the stomach in white rat as in the human stomach (Sato). This fact shows evidently that the transmission of sensory stimuli is done also in the stomach through the cerebrospinal sensory nerve fibres. The sensory fibres are very easily distinguishable histologically from vegetative fibres. Their number is very small, as is the case in human stomach (Sto). The sensory terminations may be divided into simple branched, snake-like and unbranched terminations. There were found no simple glomerular terminations as seen in man. It shows that the differentiation of the sensory terminations is in white rat inferior to that in man. The simple branched terminations are mainly found in the inner muscular layer and are characterized by bifurcated branches of the stem fibre which show change of thickness, run a winding course and terminate sharply or bluntly. The snake-like termination is generally found in tela submucosa and is represented by a comparatively thin, scarcely branched fibre terminating freely after running a specific snake-like course. Unbranched terminations are the simplest of sensory terminations, where fine fibres terminate sharply or bluntly after light meandering, and are mainly found between the tela submucosa and the lamina muscularis mucosae.

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