
As in human fetus (SATO), the nerves in the corpus et cauda epididymidis are seemingly derived from the plexus deferentialis and those in the caput epididymidis and the testicle from the plexus spermaticus, in human adults too. The former comprise only vegetative fibres, but the latter include some sensory fibres presumably originating in the sacral nerves. Consequently, a number of sensory fibres are found in the caput epididymidis and the testicle. It is of some interest that some nerve bundles containing many sensory fibres are found en many occasions.The vegetative fibres end in STOHR's terminal reticula in the epdidymis and the testicle, as in all other regions. The terminal reticula stand in contact control over the supplied cells, e, g., the smooth muscle cells and the LEYDIG's cells. Terminal reticula said to penetrate into the tubuli contorti testis (PETERS) were never found.The sensory fibres found in the caput epididymidis and the testicle consist in thick fibres and comparatively thin fibres, and it is of interest that some fibres provided with very thick myelin are found conspicuous, for such conspicuous thick fibres prove with redoubled assurance the sensory innervation of these parts.The sensory fibres running toward the testicle run into the rete testis in most cases and end in the connective tissue lining the one-rowed epithelium there or further penetrating into the epithelium in unbranched or simple branched terminations. Their terminal fibres often show change in size in their courses and end sharply or bluntly. It is interesting that the intraepithelial fibres are frequently of thick fibres. Thus, the sensory terminations found in the rete testis are very simple in their structure even in adults, so that it is probable that these are nearly completed in the latter stage of fetal life (SATO).The sensory fibres coming into the mediastinum testis sometimes run through the rete testis further into the tunica albuginea and end in unbranched terminations in its subserosa. In the parenchyma testis, however, no sensory termination has been found.Sensory fibres and their terminations were found also in the visceral plate of the tunica vaginalis testis (YAMASHITA) as well as in the ductuli efferentes, as in human fetus (SATO), in the caput part of the epididymis, ending in unbranched or simple branched terminations here too. Their terminal fibres, however, often run peculiar winding courses and end sharply or bluntly. In the ductuli, the terminal fibres sometimes penetrate as far as into their basal membrane, but never run into the epithelium.The sensory terminations are not distributed evenly in the tunica vaginalis throughout, but are found in markedly varying density in different parts of it. Their terminal fibres usually end subepitheally and their terminal mode is very simple.

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