
Introduction. The research objective is to determine and analyze data on traumatic phenomena found in the bones of the Bronze Age population originating from the burial sites of the Lower Volga area. Methods. The identification of traumatic injuries in anthropological materials was based on the works and recommendations in the field of special traumatology and pathology used in forensic medicine and bioarchaeological reconstructions. Statistical analysis was carried out using one-dimensional methods and nonparametric Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis criteria. Analysis. The study of paleoanthropological materials of the Early Bronze Age shows that injuries are found only on skulls. The total injuries of the adult population in the group are at the level of 15.2%. Of the 5 injuries on the bones of the Early Bronze Age, 1 belongs to a woman and 4 – to men. Severe injuries are discovered in adult individuals. General injuries are not numerous and reach 24.8%. In the series of the Late Bronze Age, injuries on the bone remains of children are also not detected. The frequency of occurrence of traumatic objects on anthropological materials of II millennium BC is insignificant, only 18 cases, which is 16.1% of the total number of adult individuals. Results. In the studied series, sex dimorphism and differences in the nature of distribution of injuries between groups of different ages are not statistically revealed, which indicates similar social roles of the male and female population in the Bronze Age. No injuries are detected in children. The frequency of perimortem injuries is extremely low. Non-lethal (uniform, with traces of healing) injuries on the skull bones and postcranial skeleton dominate in the series, which indicates a similar level of technological development and medical knowledge in the Bronze Age population. Injuries of the Bronze Age of the Lower Volga region can be described as every day or civilian trauma due to the development of labor production or social tension in the groups.


  • analyze data on traumatic phenomena found in the bones of the Bronze Age population originating from the burial sites

  • The identification of traumatic injuries in anthropological materials was based on the works and recommendations in the field

  • of special traumatology and pathology used in forensic medicine

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Евгений Владимирович Перерва

Целью исследования является анализ специфики травматических повреждений, зафиксированных на костных останках населения, происходящих из подкурганных захоронений бронзового века с территории Нижнего Поволжья. В серии эпохи поздней бронзы травмы на костных останках детей также не выявлены. В. Травматизм населения бронзового века Нижнего Поволжья // Вестник Волгоградского государственного университета. В отечественной науке описания травм на костных останках населения археологических культур, существовавших в эпоху бронзы на территории Евразии, впервые появляются в работах Д.Г. В подавляющем большинстве случаев работы по травматизму на костных останках населения бронзового века посвящены изучению дефектов, которые были обнаружены на черепных коробках, так как исследования в основном проводились антропологами-краниологами или же наборы костей посткраниального скелета для анализа были недоступны или имелись в ограниченном количестве. Так или иначе травматизмом или интерпретацией повреждений, выявленных на костных останках населения бронзового века, занимались такие исследователи, как С.И.

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