Numerical modeling has failed to confirm the classical Milankovitch hypothesis of initiation of the last ice age by Northern Hemisphere high latitude cooling due to decreasing summer insolation caused by orbital effects. The modeling failed to confirm ice sheet growth even with a widespread layer of glacial ice as an initial condition to embody positive feedback. The failure probably occurred because the initial conditions of the calculation did not include the actual effects of an altered climate in northeastern Canada that brought a sharp cooling to Europe and extreme amounts of precipitation to cloud-covered lands west of Greenland. In the conceptual model proposed here, diminishing orbital summer insolation in northern Africa is causally linked to this regional climate change by a cascade of oceanic salinity changes. The summer cooling in northern Africa weakened the monsoons, reduced the Nile River flow, and increased Mediterranean salinity and outflow at Gibraltar. The salt in the outflow contributes substantially to the salinities of the North Atlantic Drift and the Greenland Sea, to the formation rate of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) there, and to the northward flow of the Spitsbergen-Atlantic Current (SAC) that replaces the sinking NADW. When the increasing salt in the Mediterranean outflow made the SAC replacement flow sufficiently strong, the flow penetrated into the polar ocean along the north coast of Greenland. Denser and more saline Atlantic water then replaced the polar water flowing southward into Baffin Bay through the Nares Strait and Lancaster Sound, thus eliminating the stratification in the bay that enables freezing of winter sea ice. Without the southward flow of sea ice out of Baffin Bay, the Labrador Sea became much warmer. The warmer seas west of Greenland then triggered a persistent cyclonic circulation that caused large amounts of precipitation in eastern Canada and a much colder northern Europe. The resulting Canadian erosion yielded a 500yr-long deep-sea sediment record of the ice-free condition. Heavy snowfall started new ice sheet growth on Baffin Island, northern Quebec, Labrador, western Greenland, and the Barents Sea, causing world sea level to fall at a rate of 0.5cmyr-1. The modern increasing salinity of the Mediterranean Sea and extension of SAC flow into the polar ocean are now following the cascade steps toward an ice-free Baffin Bay and possible near term regional climate deterioration.
The initiation of new glaciation in northeastern Canada after the last interglacial cycle of the Pleistocene was a consequence of a climate change in northeastern Canada and Greenland (Fig. 1)
Contrary to the predicted cooling, the ice sheet and marine sediment records described in sections 7.1 and 7.2 of this paper suggest that the last ice age began with marine temperatures in northeastern Canada that were warmer than today’s and much warmer than earlier in the last interglacial[11, 12]
The first glaciation of the last ice age began because a cascade of oceanic changes caused ice-free seas and a strong semi permanent cyclonic circulation around the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay
The initiation of new glaciation in northeastern Canada after the last interglacial cycle of the Pleistocene was a consequence of a climate change in northeastern Canada and Greenland (Fig. 1). Melt water source effects can explain why the isotope ratio record indicated continuing full glacial ice volume while world sea level rose above that of today This occurred in the anomalous deglaciation from probably about 142,000yr BP to ~136,500yr BP[13, 14] when Northern summer insolation was near a minimum. During the few thousand years of anomalous deglaciation the water from east of the Urals delivered the excess 18O from the Ural paleo lake and the chain of seas to the world ocean This probably compensated for the negative effect of other melt water sources that were normally deficient in 18O, and prevented the oceanic isotope ratio proxy from making a significant change from the observed full glacial value. In addition to the bipolar oscillation, the new factors discussed here include data obtained from the high-resolution ENVISAT satellite observation system operated by the European Space Agency from 1997 to 2012 and early medieval historical records that support the presence of SAC water along the north coast of Greenland, which is a major step in the cascade (Fig. 2)
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