
In order to examine the accuracy of the tritium production rate (TPR) calculations, neutronics experiments have been performed with D-T neutrons at Fusion Neutronics Source (FNS) of JAERI by using a mockup of the solid breeder blanket consisting of F82H blocks, Li/sub 2/TiO/sub 3/ blocks with a /sup 6/Li enrichment of 40 and 95 %, and beryllium blocks. Pellet detectors made of Li/sub 2/CO/sub 3/ and Li/sub 2/TiO/sub 3/ enriched to the proper /sup 6/Li volume concentration were embedded in stacks in a hole of each Li/sub 2/TiO/sub 3/ layer. After D-T neutron irradiation, the amount of tritium produced in the pellets was measured by liquid scintillation counting methods, of which accuracy was 10%. The TPR was calculated by the Monte Carlo codes MCNP-4B with the nuclear data libraries JENDL-3.2, JENDL-FF, ENDF-VI and FENDL-2. The C/E values of the TPR were 1.15 on average. To clarify the accuracy of the macroscopic absorption cross section for beryllium blocks, the low energy neutron transport was investigated by pulsed D-T neutron injection into the beryllium assembly. The macroscopic absorption cross section of beryllium blocks was about 40 % larger than that of pure beryllium. However, it is found that such amount of impurities does not affect TPR significantly.

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