
Introduction: This article deals with the Interactive Didactic Sequence, a Didactic Tool originated from the Interactive Methodology. The idea is that this tool can be used as a methodological procedure in the discipline of teaching practice in biology courses. It was prepared by Dr. Maria Marly Oliveira, professor/researcher at the undergraduate/graduate level at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco. According to researches on the subject, this tool is relevant for the planning and execution of teaching, justifuing its use. Objective: To present the Interactive Didactic Sequence as a Didactic Tool to students of Practice as a Curricular Component as a strategy for planning and implementing teaching in Brazilian basic education schools. Methods: The tool was applied in two stages, through classroom exercise, during two consecutive semesters, using the Interactive Methodology, qualitative research based on the principles: 1) Pluralist constructivist method or Guba/Lincoln fourth generation method, this presents the Dialectical Hermeneutic Circle, applied in the first stage with students of the discipline, divided into teams, seeking syntheses on the studied theme, using the trinomial Complexity-Dialogicity-Dialecticity; 2) Content analysis method, Bardin; 3) Hermeneutic-dialectical analysis method, Minayo; both applied in the second stage, theoretical contributions from the teacher, to close the syntheses/proceeding of the study. Results: The Dialectical Hermeneutic Circle stands out, describing it as the flagship of this procedure, pointing out as a result its methodological validity in teacher training, discussing the way in which the sequence is inserted in the Interactive Methodology, constituting itself as a didactic tool and how it should be used, through the application exercise, a kick-off to familiarize the student with this methodological resource. Conclusion: It is expected that this qualitative work methodology will advance in educational innovation and be a useful tool for: 1) Biology graduates in their initial training; 2) future supervised internships, disciplines of the biological sciences course close to each other; 3) professional development of the teacher and; 4) reader interested in the subject.

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