
Effects of muramidase, potassium nitrate, the mesophilic starter culture, nisin, the nisin-producing Lactococcus strain and two Lactobacillus strains with anticlostridial activity on survival and growth of the gas-producing Clostridium tyrobutyricum in a model cheese-slurry system were compared.Control cheese-slurry sample and samples with anticlostridial substances or cultures were inoculated with C. tyrobutyricum and stored at 8±1 °C in a cheese ripening cellar for 2 months. During this period spores of gas-producing clostridia were determined by the MPN method, and the presence of inoculated strains after storage was confirmed by PCR.Within the first 2 weeks potassium nitrate, muramidase and nisin had the strongest anticlostridial activity but then their effect decreased. On the other hand, effect of added cultures was observed during both months of storage. The most effective were the nisin-producing Lactococcus strain and the aroma-producing mesophilic culture — they caused a decrease in clostridial spores of about 1.5 to 2 decimal orders in comparison with the control sample at the same storage period.

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