
Electrophilicity and nucleophilicity are two vastly important chemical concepts gauging the capability of atoms in molecules to accept and donate the maximal number of electrons. In our earlier studies, we proposed to simultaneously quantify them using the Kullback-Leibler divergence from the information-theoretic approach in density functional theory. However, several issues with this scheme remain to be clarified such as its general validity, predictability, and relationship with other information-theoretic quantities. In this work, we revisit the matter with bigger datasets and deeper theoretical insights. Five information-theoretic quantities including Kullback-Leibler divergence, Hirshfeld charge, Ghost-Berkowitz-Parr entropy, and second and third orders of relative Onicescu information energy are found to be reliable and robust descriptors of electrophilicity and nucleophilicity propensities. Employing these five descriptors, we design a list of new compounds and predict their electrophilicity and nucleophilicity scales. This work should markedly improve our confidence and capability in applying information-theoretic quantities to evaluate electrophilicity and nucleophilicity propensities and henceforth pave the route for more applications of these quantities from information-theoretic approach in density functional theory in the future. All structures were fully optimized at the M06-2X/6-311 + G(d) level of DFT functional using the Gaussian 16 package (version C01) with integration grids and tight self-consistent-field convergence. The solvent effect was taken into account by using the implicit solvent model (CPCM) in the CH2Cl2 solvent, and all 3D contour surfaces of Fukui function, local temperature, and ITA (information-theoretic approach) quantities were generated by GaussView. The Multiwfn 3.8 program was used to calculate the ITA indexes and atomic charges.

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