
Introduction. This article is devoted to the problem of finding optimal ways to include information technologies in the educational process. There is a definite potential for the use of information technologies in productive teaching methods. At the same time, there is a problem of refusing to use them primarily within the framework of informative and illustrative methods.Purpose. The study of the potential of the use of information technologies in education in the system of secondary vocational training.Materials and methods. The methodological component is represented by testing, comparative analysis, interpretation and generalization. The specifics of creating a practical training program as a basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the information technology inoculation in teaching activities at the college are substantiated.Results. The lesson was designed using the problem method and the method of individual projects. The entire cycle of pedagogical work was implemented and described in detail: from a lesson design to evaluating its effectiveness.Discussion and conclusion. The conducted lesson is evaluated as effective since students have demonstrated significant progress in understanding the topic and mastering skills during the initial control and final testing. However, the result of practical approval indicates some reassessment of students' knowledge of the completed program. There is a need for additional improvement of motivating components that contribute to the activation of creative potential and initiative of students. It was shown that the use of the problem method and the method of individual projects significantly contributes to the activation of cognitive and creative activity compared to the use of informative methods. The results of the work conducted can be considered a reference point for further theoretical and practical research in the field of effective use of information technologies in education.

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