
The purpose of the article is to investigate the role of information technologies in educational management and their cultural manifestation. The research methodology involves the use of an interdisciplinary approach, as well as a set of methods: analytical, synthetic, cultural, which will allow a comprehensive consideration of the given issues and formulate reasonable conclusions. The scientific novelty lies in the systematic generalisation of educational management and its main development trends based on the influence of information technologies, as well as the identification of cultural intentions, taking into account the formation of the creative environment of higher education institutions. Conclusions. Digital information technologies are actively involved in the introduction into the educational sphere and its transformation, directly changing the algorithms of educational management and, in general, the principles of management activities in higher education institutions. Numerous technical capabilities have created a parallel virtual space where not only information is exchanged, but also other important activities take place: unlimited communication, self-representation, value transmission, and functional professional orientation in various spheres of activity, which determine the principles of organising society's life activities. Information technologies as a polymodal information and socio-cultural space undoubtedly act a subject of influence in the functioning of the educational sphere of society, actively generating new meanings, value orientations, professional competences and guidelines for society. Accordingly, systemic educational management should be based on information technologies that will facilitate the adoption of adequate management decisions within the framework of the formation of a humanistic educational paradigm, where one of the important factors is the principle of cultural creativity of the educational and socio-cultural space. Key words: information technologies, higher education institutions, educational management, cultural creativity.

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