
Possibly the most prominent function of libraries is to make information resources available to users in the easiest ways possible, enabling easy access. Libraries aim to collect various sources of information, organize them, and make them accessible to users. This study attempted to identify the reality of the benefits for users from library services, assess the adequacy and efficiency of services provided, and understand users' perceptions about these services. The researcher employed an analytical descriptive method using a case study approach to determine the actual reality of information services provided by the central library of Bisha University (an emerging university) and its sub-libraries, to ascertain whether they meet users' needs. Out of approximately 500 distributed questionnaires, 196 were collected, with 21 excluded due to invalidity for analysis. One of the significant findings was the pressing need to relocate to a new library building at the university's main campus, as the current building was inadequate. Additionally, the study highlighted issues such as a lack of qualified human resources, insufficient information sources, and limited technical capabilities.

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