
The purpose of the article is to outline the specifics of the discourse of information psychological war on the material of fiction.As a result of consistent interpretation of the key concepts as the basis of the linguo-philosophical aspect of the study, it is concluded that information psychological war as a socio-and linguo-cultural phenomenon responds to all the features and categories of discourse. The object of this research consists in the implementation of the information psychological war subtype, the dominant attribute of which is the material / object of study (a combination of aesthetic function with a number of social ones) and the content heterogeneity of the text as a condition for the potential realization of any discourses in it. The author raises an is sue about the scientific and ethical pro and contra of the research of fiction from the information psychological war perspective. The conclusion is made about the necessity of introducing the factor of “degree” of confrontation / struggle and, accordingly, the study of the fiction for the individual symptoms / features of information psychological war.The conditions and criteria for their establishment in specific practices are formulated.The article presents the targets of information psychological war in the discursive practices studied earlier by the author.In conclusion, the criteria for the selection of fiction texts in the aspect of information psychological war and the criteria for distinguishing information psychological war symptoms from social criticism are summarized.

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