
Television has been widely considered as a powerful medium beca use of its combination of sight, sound and motion. This study was undertaken to establish the extent to which television adverts influence people’s behaviour, way of life and decision making, among others. This study also sets to know whether television ad vertising has positive or negative influence on the consumers and the general society. This study was focused on television as one of the major information, communication and education media. Issues such as the use of TV in communication and information dissemination, the positive and negative effects of TV as a medium on the consuming society, the audience of TV medium, the impact of advertising on the consuming society, among other salient issues were raised and discussed in the study. The research design adopted for this study was a survey method. Questionnaires were designed and used as survey instruments. It was complimented by structured interviews. The population was made up of 60 staff of commercial department of BCOS television in Ibadan. A stratified random sampling technique was used in selecting the 60 respondents for the study. Two top management staff were also selected for interview based on their experience. They were chosen through purposive sampling technique. The findings were presented in tabular form. In this investigation, simple percentage analysis was employed. This study concluded that television advertising informs, communicate, educate and influences the consuming society.Keywords: Information, communication, education media, television, advertising.

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