
There is no doubt about the fact that information and communication technology utilisation (ICT) is a life wire of any school organisation. However, planners and administrators are aware of the contributions that ICT utilisation could make to the enhancement of academic activities of the institutions. The attainment of the goals and objectives of higher institutions of learning required the availability and optimal utilisation of ICT. Based on the foregoing premise, this study examined ICT utilisation as a veritable tool for academic staff effectiveness in Nigerian Polytechnics. The concept and importance of ICT utilisation were critically examined. Challenges associated with ICT utilisation were highlighted, which include unsteady power supply, inadequate funding, poor quality of telecommunication connections, and lack of qualified ICT operators. The study concluded that the contribution of ICT utilisation to the development of entire level of education today make it necessary for the adoption of ICT utilisation by the school authorities, administrators as well as the lecturers in such a way that it easier for the utilisation of application packages (like power point presentation, Microsoft word process, spread sheet and so on), internet application (video conferencing, e-mail, data base, e-learning) and computer hardware facilities (photo copier machine, printing machine, scanners, laptops to mention but a few). This helps to improve the quality of teaching-learning process, academic and administrative effectiveness in institutions. Also, the technological devices of an institution are a major determinant factor in the actualisation of its objectives. The study recommends that proper funding should be provided for the procurement of ICT devices and equipment which are capital intensive.

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