Identifying evolutionary routes to antiviral resistance among influenza viruses informs molecular-based resistance surveillance and clinical decisions. To improve antiviral management and understand whether clinically identified neuraminidase (NA) inhibitor (NAI) resistance-associated markers affect influenza B viruses of the Victoria- or Yamagata-lineages differentially, we generated a panel of NAI-resistant viruses (carrying E105K, G145E, R150K, D197N, I221L/N/T/V, H273Y, N294S, or G407S substitutions; B numbering) in B/Brisbane/60/2008 (BR/08) and B/Phuket/3073/2013 (PH/13). In both backgrounds, I221L/N/T/V resulted in reduced or highly reduced inhibition (HRI) by one to three currently available NAIs. D197N reduced inhibition by all NAIs in BR/08 but only by oseltamivir and peramivir in PH/13; R150K caused HRI by all NAIs in PH/13. Although PH/13 generally retained or enhanced NA activity in the presence of the substitutions, enzymatic activity in BR/08 was detrimentally affected. Similarly, substrate affinity and catalysis were relatively stable in PH/13, but not in the BR/08 variants. E105K, R150K, and D197N attenuated replication efficiency of BR/08 in vitro and in mice; only E105K had this effect in PH/13. Notably, the I221L/N/T/V substitutions did not severely impair replication, particularly in PH/13. Overall, our data show differential effects of NA substitutions in representative Victoria- and Yamagata-lineage viruses, suggesting distinct evolution of these viruses caused variable fitness and NAI susceptibility profiles when similar key NA substitutions arise. Because the viruses harboring the I221 NA substitutions displayed undiminished fitness and are commonly reported, this position is likely to be the most clinically relevant marker for NAI resistance among contemporary influenza B viruses.
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