
Double frequency sweeps can induce spin transitions in a set of satellites of a half-integer quadrupolar nucleus by simultaneously passing through resonance for a satellite pair. It is shown that by transferring population from the outer spin levels to the inner |1/2〉 and |−1/2〉 levels an increased intensity for central transition spectra is obtained. Although Magic Angle Spinning in principle interferes with this process, and the adiabaticity of the passages is different for every crystallite in a powder, enhanced spectra with undistorted line shapes are obtained for I=3/2 ( 23 Na) and 5/2 ( 27 Al) spins experiencing quadrupolar interactions with ω Q in the range 0.1–3 MHz. Even at spinning speeds up to 30 kHz significant enhancements are obtained. An analysis of the combined effects of double frequency sweeps (DFS) and MAS indeed shows strongly different effects for different crystallites in powder ranging from no gain at all to the theoretical maximum gain of 2 I. As the effects are randomly distributed over all orientations on a sphere this is averaged over the whole line shape. Therefore, undistorted powder patterns are obtained enhanced by the average gain over the individual crystallites. Saturation of the satellite transitions, which can only be achieved if spin–spin relaxation is sufficiently strong, leads to identical results. Optimization of the sweeps should be toward an optimal effect on the population transfer to the central levels and chosen short with respect to spin–lattice relaxation times.

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